Steam Whistle Brewing Refreshes Branding & Adds Nutritional Labels

TORONTO, ON – Steam Whistle Brewing has announced the launch of a new look for its flagship Steam Whistle Pilsner, as well as the addition of a new nutritional label to its packages.

The rebranding effort is described as follows:

Steam Whistle’s brand refresh is reflective of the world-class, European-inspired Canadian beer it makes. The iconic steam whistle at the heart of the logo has been simplified for use across multiple channels and platforms. The packaging is being given a premium treatment, with the incorporation of platinum as a brand colour complementing the green for which Steam Whistle is already well known.

While nutritional labels are not required on beer in Canada, Director of Marketing Tim McLaughlin says that Steam Whistle is “proud of what goes in our beer, and almost more importantly what doesn’t go into our beer.” The labels follow federal standards and display the beer’s ingredients – “pure spring water, select Canadian malt, European hops, Brewer’s yeast” – as well as calories, vitamin content, and other nutritional statistics.

The new packages are rolling out now to beer retailers in regions where Steam Whistle Pilsner is sold.

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