Propeller Pumpkin Ale

propeller_logoHALIFAX, NS – Propeller Brewery launched this year’s edition of their popular fall seasonal Propeller Pumpkin Ale last week.

Here are the details provided by the brewery:

Propeller brews this unique ale using Howard Dill’s® world famous Atlantic Giant Pumpkins® with a special selection of spices. That’s in addition to the usual ingredients: highest quality malted grain, hops, water and yeast. It takes big pumpkins to make big beer. As for flavour, Propeller Brew Master Don Harms, says “It’s simple. It smells like pumpkin and tastes like beer- people like that. It sells out every year; we’re hoping to make it to Halloween.”

Propeller Pumpkin Ale is available at the Propeller Cold Beer Store on Gottingen Street in Halifax, select private retailers, and a few pubs or restaurants.

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