Wild Rose Imperial IPA Returning for 2010

CALGARY, ABWild Rose Brewery is bringing back the seasonal Imperial IPA for another year. The new batch will be released on Friday, February 5th with the tapping of a cask at the brewery’s weekly “Wild Fridays” event, starting at 4:00 PM in the Wild Rose Taproom.

Here are the notes provided by the brewery:

Wild Rose Brewery’s Imperial India Pale Ale (IIPA) is created in the traditional Double IPA style, but with a unique Albertan twist.

Extremely hoppy with floral notes of pine and citrus, our Imperial IPA expertly blends Cascade, Centennial and Columbus hops with the finest Alberta two-row barley and crystal malts.

Described as an India Pale Ale “on steroids,” Double IPAs are robust and malty with a higher alcohol and a very intense hop flavour.

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