FREDERICTON, NB – Picaroons Traditional Ales has announced the release this week of the 2014 edition of Picaroons Harvest Ale – or more accurately, Harvest Ales, as there will be seven different versions of this year’s offering to choose from.
As with last year’s release, multiple batches of the pale ale were brewed with Maritime malts and each using a different lot of freshly picked hops – three using Cascade hops; one each with Centennial, Galena and Goldings; and one “Kitchen Sink” batch using a mixture of all the available hops.
The hops were harvested at five hops farms in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and PEI, and a special “My Harvest” web page allows drinkers to look up the batch number from the label to find out what hops were used to make the beer in the bottle, as well as a bit about the farmers who grew them.
Bottles of all seven versions of Picaroons Harvest Ale will be released starting today, and will be available at select ANBL locations throughout New Brunswick and the Picaroons Brewtique in Frederticton.