Phillips, Flying Monkeys, Trou du Diable & Garrison Release “Quad-laboration” for Canada Day


VICTORIA, BC / BARRIE, ON / SHAWINIGAN, QC / HALIFAX, NS – In honour of Canada’s 148th birthday – celebrated this Wednesday, July 1st – four breweries from across the country have announced the release of a unique “quad-laboration” brew.

Coast to Coastless Imperial ESB was developed by the brewers at Phillips Brewing (BC), Flying Monkeys Craft Brewery (ON),  Microbrasserie Le Trou du Diable (QC), and Garrison Brewing (NS). The strong ale is described as follows:

Coast to Coastless is an Extra Special Bitter, a style with roots that trace back to England, but as an amped up imperial version it has a strong spirit that is purely Canadian. A hefty body, full of biscuity and caramel malts is edged with earthy tea-like hop character. It is robust enough to pay tribute to the size of our country with the creative flair emblematic of the craft beer industry.

Each brewery produced their own batch of the beer, and have announced the following release plans:

  • Phillips: Available now/soon in 650 ml bottles at select private liquor stores in BC, craft-focused liquor stores in Alberta, and Liquor Marts in Manitoba.
  • Flying Monkeys: Available late July in 750 ml bottles at LCBO outlets in Ontario. A pilot version will also be available to sample at the brewery on Canada Day.
  • Trou du Diable: Available exclusively on tap at the TDD brewpub and select craft beer bars in Quebec as listed on the brewery website.
  • Garrison: Available now/soon in 650 ml bottles at government and private liquor stores in Nova Scotia, government liquor stores in New Brunswick, PEI and Newfoundland & Labrador, as well as at the brewery.

The breweries have also produced a promotional video for the beer, which is embedded below.

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