Beer Canada Launches Partners for Safer Communities Campaign


OTTAWA, ONBeer Canada, an industry advocacy group representing member breweries from across the country, has announced the launch of a new campaign intended to educate consumers on the importance of responsible drinking.

Partners for Safer Communities is a collaboration of brewers, licensees and retailers across Canada to ensure beer is sold and consumed responsibly via the distribution of educational materials and discussions with customers.

“Brewers encourage responsible use through diverse programs and partnerships. We’re proud of our products and our leadership role in promoting their responsible enjoyment,” said John Sleeman, Chairman of Beer Canada, in a statement announcing the campaign.

“Most Canadians drink within the Low-Risk Drinking Guidelines, which support a healthy lifestyle and promote a culture of moderation,” added Luke Harford, President of Beer Canada. “Progress is being made in reducing alcohol related harm but more efforts are needed. Partners for Safer Communities is an industry first that brings competitors together to advance social goals.”

For more information and to take on online responsible drinking pledge, visit the Partners for Safer Communities website.

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