Phillips Brewing Opens Nominations for 2018 Benefit Brew

VICTORIA, BC – Phillips Brewing has started making plans for the next edition of its annual Phillips Benefit Brews – one each for British Columbia and Alberta – and as always, the brewery is asking the community to help select a worthy charity to support in each province:

Benefit Brew [is] an annual project where Phillips Brewing Company creates a custom brew for a cause. The beer is named after the charity, given a custom-designed label, and full proceeds are donated (approx. $10,000). Which cause? That’s up to you!

Nominations can be made until November 10th for any federally registered charity – with the exception of children’s charities – in BC and Alberta. Following the nomination period, public voting for a winner from the 10 chosen nominees will run from November 20th to December 4th.

The winning charities will be announced on December 5th, and the custom charity beers will be brewed for release on February 5th 2018.

More information, including full nomination criteria, is available on the Phillips Benefit Brew website.

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