Tree Brewing Shutting Down Kelowna Production Facility

KELOWNA, BC – The Okanagan Edge reports that Tree Brewing will be closing down its main brewery in Kelowna at the end of May, and will shift all production of its beers and ciders to Big Rock Brewery‘s Vancouver facility under a joint venture announced last month.

General manager Chris Stirling tells the Edge that all of the brewing equipment from the Kelowna plant will be moving to the Vancouver brewery, and brewmaster Dae Gokiert will remain with the company to ensure “nothing changes” with the beers.

Stirling also notes that the Tree Brewing Beer Institute – a small batch brewpub, retail shop, and beer education centre that the company opened in downtown Kelowna in 2014 – will remain in operation, ensuring that Tree retains a connection to the area.

For more details, see the full article.

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