Phillips Brewing Opens Nominations for 2022 Benefit Brew

VICTORIA, BC – Phillips Brewing has started making plans for the 2022 edition of its annual Phillips Benefit Brew, and as always, the brewery is asking the community to help select worthy charities to support in British Columbia and Alberta:

With the increased urgency to tackle climate change, we’re dedicating this year’s Benefit Brew to environmental organizations in BC & AB that are addressing this important global issue with unique and creative local solutions.

Is there a grass-roots, environmentally-focused charity that you think is doing great things, and wants to do MORE great things ?

One charity from BC and Alberta, will be given the opportunity to collaborate on a specially-themed brew with a custom designed label, and receive all proceeds (about $10,000) to go towards an environmentally-focused initiative of their choosing.

Nominations can be submitted online until June 27th, and the winning charities in each province will be announced in mid-July, with collaboration beers to follow later this year.

For more details, see the Phillips Benefit Brew webpage.

Source & Photo: Phillips Brewing

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