Dominion City Brewing Brings Back Earl Grey Marmalade Saison

OTTAWA, ON – Dominion City Brewing has announced the return of a beer from the brewery’s earliest days.

Earl Grey Marmalade Saison (5.5% abv):

This beer was among the first we ever made. As we approach our birthday party (Friday September 15 at the brewery) we got to thinking it was time to bring back an old classic. Our re-imagining of a rustic agrarian beer style from southern Belgium pours a distinctive colour with a delicious bergamot aroma. Fresh zested oranges and Earl Grey tea balance spicy and fruity esters to create the ultimate refresher.

Earl Grey Marmalade Saison is available now at the Dominion City taproom, retail store, and online shop.

Source & Photo: Dominion City Brewing

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