All My Friends Beer Co. Releases Captain and Stellar Imperial Stouts

BLOOMFIELD, ON – All My Friends Beer Co. has announced the release of a pair of strong and flavour-filled stouts.

Captain Imperial Milk Stout with Hazelnuts & Marshmallows (9% abv):

This silky imperial milk stout pours black with creamy brown, glass coating bubbles. Aromas of vanilla, and hazelnut combine beautifully with the rich roasted malts and subtle chocolate flavours that reveal themselves with every sip. Medium bodied and so easy to drink, Captain is a perfect beer to steer us into the dark and cooler days ahead.

Stellar Oatmeal Chocolate Milkshake Stout (9% abv):

Stellar pours a deep brown with creamy bubbles inviting you to breathe in the intense chocolate aroma erupting from your glass. Brewed with oats, creating a smooth medium body mouthfeel delivering rich, brownie-like chocolate on the palate. Finishing semi-sweet like we like our chocolate chips. Drinks dangerously easy. Share with friends for dessert or keep it all for yourself

Both beers are available now at the All My Friends taproom and online shop.

Source & Photo: All My Friends Beer Co.

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